RICOH Camera USB SDK for C++
RICOH Camera USB SDK for C++
▼NRicoh | |
▼NCameraController | |
CCameraDevice | The class for information and operations on a camera device |
CCameraDeviceDetector | The class to detect a camera device |
CCameraDeviceSetting | This class is base class for camera device settings. Sub classes of this class are used to handle camera device settings |
CCameraDeviceSettingValue | This class is base for value of camera settings |
CCameraEventListener | The class of Event listener receiving notification from the camera device |
CCameraImage | The class for handling with image information |
CCameraImageList | The list of CameraImage |
CCameraStatus | The class for camera status |
CCameraStorage | The class for camera storage |
CCameraStorageList | The list of CameraStorage |
CCameraTime | This class for setting of the date and time of camera |
CCameraTimeValue | This class for setting value of the date and time of camera |
CCapture | The interface for a camera capture information |
CCaptureMethod | This class for setting of capture method. Only use in Capture::getMethod() |
CCaptureMethodValue | This class for setting value of the capture method |
CCaptureSetting | This class is base class for capture settings. Sub classes of this class are used to handle capture settings |
CCaptureSettingValue | This class is base for value of capture settings |
CError | This class represents a error of a request to a camera device |
CExposureCompensation | The class for setting of EV compensation |
CExposureCompensationValue | The class for setting value of EV compensation |
CExposureProgram | The class for setting of exposure program |
CExposureProgramValue | The class for setting value of exposure program |
CFNumber | The class for setting of aperture value |
CFNumberValue | The class for setting value of aperture value |
CHyperOperationEnable | The class for setting of hyper operation enable |
CHyperOperationEnableValue | The class for setting value of hyper operation enable |
CISO | The class for setting of ISO sensitivity |
CISOValue | The class for setting value of ISO sensitivity |
CLiveViewImage | The stracture for live view image |
CLiveViewSpecification | The class for setting of live view specification |
CLiveViewSpecificationValue | The class for setting value of live view specification |
CPoint | The structure to represent point |
CResponse | The class for a response from a camera device |
CShutterSpeed | The class for setting of shutter speed |
CShutterSpeedValue | The class for setting value of shutter speed |
CStartCaptureResponse | The class for a response having a capture from a camera device |
CStillImageCaptureFormat | The class for setting of recording formats |
CStillImageCaptureFormatValue | The class for setting value of recording formats |
CStillImageQuality | The class for setting of recorded pixels and quality level |
CStillImageQualityValue | The class for setting value of recorded pixels and quality level |
CStorageWriting | The class for setting whether to save to storage |
CStorageWritingValue | The class for setting value of storage writing |
CUserCaptureSettingsMode | The class for setting of user capture settings mode |
CUserCaptureSettingsModeValue | The class for setting value of user capture settings mode |
CWhiteBalance | The class for setting of white balance |
CWhiteBalanceValue | The class for setting value of white balance |