September 25, 2019 Release

RICOH THETA API and SDK will be moved to RICOH Developer Connection

RICOH THETA Developers Beta(, which had been providing contents to developers, was closed. The contents at this site is moved to RICOH Developer Connection.

The previous posts of RICOH THETA Developers Beta forum can be accessed by downloading the archived files from here (English/Japanese)

As forum is also closed, we will introduce you to the developers community forum.

Japanese: slack channel
(From here on, it is not a RICOH service. RICOH is not responsible for the use of information on linked websites.)

Enjoy developing!


RICOH THETAの開発者向けサービスとして各種コンテンツを提供してきたRICOH THETA Developers Beta(はWebサイトをクローズしました。

それに伴い、これまでRICOH THETA Developers Betaで提供してきた開発者向けコンテンツはRICOH Developer Connectionに移行しました。



日本語:slack channel

Enjoy developing!