

POST /osc/state


Acquires the camera status.

Changes in the state object content can be checked with CheckForUpdates.




Name Type Description
fingerprint String Current status ID
Obtain a unique value for each status
state Object Camera status (Details in the following item)

state object

Camera status.

Name Type Description
sessionId String Current session ID
batteryLevel Number Remaining battery
(four levels: 0.0, 0.33, 0.67, 1.0)
storageChanged Boolean Whether a new format storage is inserted/removed
_captureStatus String Continuous shooting status
“shooting”, “idle”,
“self-timer countdown” (RICOH THETA S firmware version 01.42 or above),
“bracket shooting” (RICOH THETA S only; firmware version or above)
_recordedTime Number Recorded time (sec.) of video being shot
_recordableTime Number Remaining time (sec.) of video being shot
_compositeShootingElapsedTime Number Elapsed time (sec.) for interval composite shooting
(RICOH THETA S only; firmware version 01.82 or above)
_latestFileUri String Last saved file ID
_batteryState String Charging status
“charging”, “charged”, “disconnect”
_apiVersion Number Current camera API version
(1: v2.0, 2: v2.1)
(RICOH THETA S firmware version 01.62 or above)
_cameraError String Array Camera error information (Details in the following item)


Camera error information.

Event flag Error code Description
0x00000001 NO_MEMORY Insufficient free memory
0x00000002 WRITING_DATA Writing data
0x00000004 FILE_NUMBER_OVER File number limit exceeded
0x00000008 NO_DATE_SETTING Camera’s built-in clock is not set
0x00000010 COMPASS_CALIBRATION Error occurred in the electromagnetic compass
0x00000100 CARD_DETECT_FAIL SD Memory card is not installed
0x00400000 CAPTURE_HW_FAILED Error detected in shooting hardware
0x00000100 CANT_USE_THIS_CARD Media fault
0x02000000 FORMAT_INTERNAL_MEM Internal memory formatting error
0x04000000 FORMAT_CARD SD memory card formatting error
0x08000000 INTERNAL_MEM_ACCESS_FAIL Internal memory access error
0x10000000 CARD_ACCESS_FAIL SD memory card access error
0x20000000 UNEXPECTED_ERROR Undefined error
0x40000000 BATTERY_CHARGE_FAIL Charging error
0x80000000 HIGH_TEMPERATURE Temperature error



    "fingerprint": "12EGA33",
    "state": {
        "sessionId": "12ABC3",
        "batteryLevel": 0.33,
        "storageChanged": false,
        "_captureStatus": "idle",
        "_recordedTime": 0,
        "_recordableTime": 0,
        "_compositeShootingElapsedTime": 0,
        "_latestFileUri": "100RICOH/R0010015.JPG",
        "_batteryState": "disconnect",
        "_apiVersion": 1