Shows the meta information for the specified still image.
Name | Type | Description |
fileUri | String | Still image file ID |
Name | Type | Description |
exif | Object | EXIF information in JSON format |
xmp | Object | Photo Sphere XMP information in JSON format |
Name | Type | Description |
ExifVersion | String | EXIF Support version |
ImageDescription | String | Title or name |
DateTime | String | Time created or updated |
ImageWidth | Number | Width (px) |
ImageLength | Number | Height (px) |
ColorSpace | Number | Color space |
Compression | Number | Compression format |
Orientation | Number | Image orientation |
Flash | Number | Flash exposure |
FocalLength | Number | Focal length |
WhiteBalance | Number | White balance |
ExposureTime | Number | Exposure time |
FNumber | Number | F number |
ExposureProgram | Number | Exposure program |
ISOSpeedRatings | Number | ISO sensitivity |
ApertureValue | Number | Aperture value |
BrightnessValue | Number | Brightness value |
ExposureBiasValue | Number | Exposure compensation value |
GPSLatitudeRef | String | Latitudinal direction of movement |
GPSLatitude | Number | Latitude |
GPSLongitudeRef | String | Longitudinal direction of movement |
GPSLongitude | Number | Longitude |
Make | String | Camera manufacturer |
Model | String | Camera model |
Software | String | Firmware software name |
Copyright | String | Copyright |
See Photo Sphere XMP Metadata for details on XMP.
Name | Type | Description |
ProjectionType | Open Choice of Text | Projection type. Google currently only supports equirectangular. |
UsePanoramaViewer | Boolean | Whether to display using the panorama viewer |
CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels | Integer | Width of actual image (px) |
CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels | Integer | Height of actual image (px) |
FullPanoWidthPixels | Integer | Width (px) when the actual image size is based on a panoramic image |
FullPanoHeightPixels | Integer | Height (px) when the actual image size is based on a panoramic image |
CroppedAreaLeftPixels | Integer | Width (px) from the panoramic image of the actual image |
CroppedAreaTopPixels | Integer | Height (px) from the panoramic image of the actual image |
This command cannot be executed during video recording.