

POST /osc/state


Acquires the camera states.

Use CheckForUpdates to check whether the state object has changed its contents.




Name Type Description
fingerprint String Takes a unique value
per current state ID.
state Object Camera state (Refer to the next section for details.)

state object

State of the camera.

Name Type Description
batteryLevel Number Battery level
(0.0 to 1.0)
storageUri String Storage URI
_captureStatus String Continuous shooting state
“shooting”, “idle”, “self-timer countdown”,
“bracket shooting” *1*2*4
(shooting: Performing continuous shooting,
idle: In standby,
self-timer countdown: Self-timer is operating,
bracket shooting: Performing multi bracket shooting)
_recordedTime Number Shooting time of movie (sec)
_recordableTime Number Remaining time of movie (sec)
_compositeShootingElapsedTime Number Elapsed time for interval composite shooting (sec) *1*4
_latestFileUrl String URL of the last saved file
DNG format files are not displayed. *4
_batteryState String Charging state
“charging”, “charged”, “disconnect”
(charging: Charging, charged: Charging completed,
disconnect: Not charging)
_apiVersion Number API version currently set
(1: v2.0, 2: v2.1)
_pluginRunning Boolean Plugin running state *3*4
(true: running, false: stop)
_pluginWebServer Boolean Plugin web server state *3*4
(true: enabled, false: disabled)
_function String Shooting function status *4
“normal”, “selfTimer”, “mySetting”
_mySettingChanged Boolean My setting changed state *4
(true: Shooting function status is “mySetting” and some my setting properties are changed)
_cameraError String Array Error information of the camera (Refer to the next section for details.)

*1 RICOH THETA S firmware v01.82 or later

*2 RICOH THETA V or later

*3 RICOH THETA V firmware v2.21.1 or later

*4 RICOH THETA Z1 or later


Error information of the camera

Event flag Error code Desription
0x00000001 NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory
0x00000002 WRITING_DATA Writing data
0x00000004 FILE_NUMBER_OVER Maximum file number exceeded
0x00000008 NO_DATE_SETTING Camera clock not set
0x00000010 COMPASS_CALIBRATION Electronic compass error
0x00000100 CARD_DETECT_FAIL SD memory card not inserted
0x00400000 CAPTURE_HW_FAILED Shooting hardware failure
0x01000000 CANT_USE_THIS_CARD Medium failure
0x02000000 FORMAT_INTERNAL_MEM Internal memory format error
0x04000000 FORMAT_CARD SD memory card format error
0x08000000 INTERNAL_MEM_ACCESS_FAIL Internal memory access error
0x10000000 CARD_ACCESS_FAIL SD memory card access error
0x20000000 UNEXPECTED_ERROR Undefined error
0x40000000 BATTERY_CHARGE_FAIL Charging error
0x80000000 HIGH_TEMPERATURE (Board) temperature error
0x00200000 BATTERY_HIGH_TEMPERATURE Battery temperature error



    "fingerprint": "12EGA33",
    "state": {
        "batteryLevel": 0.33,
        "storageUri": "",
        "_captureStatus": "idle",
        "_recordedTime": 0,
        "_recordableTime": 0,
        "_compositeShootingElapsedTime": 0,
        "_latestFileUrl": "",
        "_batteryState": "disconnect",
        "_apiVersion": 2