Getting Started

RICOH THETA S and later models send and receive data over HTTP connection, dissimilarly to RICOH THETA and RICOH THETA m15.

This section explains the following flow from shooting a still image through acquiring the stored file.

  1. Specify the API version
  2. Acquire status before shooting
  3. Acquire and set properties
  4. Shoot a still image
  5. Check for file saving
  6. Acquire the file

1. Specify the API version

For RICOH THETA V or later, start from “2. Acquire status before shooting” since its API version is set to RICOH THETA API v2.1 by default.

For RICOH THETA S and RICOH THETA SC, since the API version is set to RICOH THETA API v2.0 when connection is established via wireless LAN, you need to use clientVersion to set the API version of the camera to v2.1.

API v2.0 requires a session to start before running command. Use camera.startSession to start a session and camera.setOptions to set the camera and shooting properties.

Request (to start a session)

POST /osc/commands/execute
    "name": "camera.startSession",
    "parameters": {}


    "name": "camera.startSession",
    "state": "done",
    "results": {
        "sessionId": "SID_0001",
        "timeout": 180

Request (to specify the API version)

POST /osc/commands/execute
    "name": "camera.setOptions",
    "parameters": {
        "sessionId": "SID_0001",
        "options": {
            "clientVersion": 2


    "name": "camera.setOptions",
    "state": "done"

2. Acquire status before shooting

Acquire the status of the camera in preparation for determining if the file has been saved.

Use State to check the state ID (fingerprint) and the latest file URL (state._latestFileUrl).


POST /osc/state


    "fingerprint": "FIG_0003",
    "state": {
        "batteryLevel": 1.0,
        "storageUri": "",
        "_captureStatus": "idle",
        "_recordedTime": 0,
        "_recordableTime": 0,
        "_latestFileUrl": "",
        "_batteryState": "disconnect",
        "_apiVersion": 2

3. Acquire and set properties

Use camera.getOptions to acquire the camera and shooting properties.

The following shows an example of acquiring the image format (fileFormat) and its supported values.

* The following sample applies to RICOH THETA S and RICOH THETA SC.


POST /osc/commands/execute
    "name": "camera.getOptions",
    "parameters": {
        "optionNames": [


    "name": "camera.getOptions",
    "state": "done",
    "results": {
        "options": {
            "fileFormat": {
                "type": "jpeg",
                "width": 5376,
                "height": 2688
            "fileFormatSupport": [
                { "type": "jpeg", "width": 5376, "height": 2688 },
                { "type": "jpeg", "width": 2048, "height": 1024 }

Use camera.setOptions to set the camera and shooting properties.

The following shows an example of setting the image format (fileFormat) to set the still image size to 2048 x 1024 pixels.


POST /osc/commands/execute
    "name": "camera.setOptions",
    "parameters": {
        "options": {
            "fileFormat": {
                "type": "jpeg",
                "width": 2048,
                "height": 1024


    "name": "camera.setOptions",
    "state": "done"

4. Shoot a still image

Press the shutter release button. The command used depends on whether still images are shot by single shooting or continuous shooting.

camera.takePicture is used to shoot a single still image, and camera.startCapture and camera.stopCapture are used to shoot images continuously.


POST /osc/commands/execute
    "name": "camera.takePicture"


For shooting a still image, “state” immediately after pressing the shutter release button is returned as “inProgress.”

    "name": "camera.takePicture",
    "state": "inProgress",
    "id": "1",
    "progress": {
        "completion": 0.00

5. Check for file saving

Use CheckForUpdates to check for update of the camera status and State to detect completion of file saving.


Change of the camera status can be checked with change of the status ID (stateFingerprint) of CheckForUpdates.

POST /osc/checkForUpdates
    "stateFingerprint": "FIG_0003"


    "stateFingerprint": "FIG_0004"


When the file has been saved, URL of the saved file is stored in “state._latestFileUrl” of State. If the status changes to other than file saving completion or does not change until CheckForUpdates times out, call this API repeatedly until the status changes to file saving completion.

POST /osc/state


    "fingerprint": "FIG_0006",
    "state": {
        "batteryLevel": 0.67,
        "storageUri": "",
        "_captureStatus": "idle",
        "_recordedTime": 0,
        "_recordableTime": 0,
        "_latestFileUrl": "",
        "_batteryState": "disconnect", "_apiVersion": 2

6. Acquire the file

Use the file URL and the GET request to acquire the file.

To correct the zenith of the acquired still image, use XMP (GPano:PosePitchDegrees / GPano:PoseRollDegrees) contained in the image data. Refer to Photo Sphere XMP Metadata for the details of XMP.


GET /files/abcde/100RICOH/R0010005.JPG


(Binary data)