PTP-IP Reference

Obtain the prerequisite specifications from below.



0x1001 GetDeviceInfo
Return device information data.
0x1002 OpenSession
Open a session.
0x1003 CloseSession
Close the session.
0x1004 GetStorageIDs
Return the current valid storage ID list.
0x1005 GetStorageInfo
Return information on the specified storage ID.
0x1006 GetNumObjects
Return the number of objects for the specified storage ID.
0x1007 GetObjectHandles
Return the ObjectHandle for the specified storage ID.
0x1008 GetObjectInfo
Return object information for the specified ObjectHandle.
0x1009 GetObject
Return the object for the specified ObjectHandle.
0x100A GetThumb
Return the thumbnail within the specified ObjectHandle.
0x100B DeleteObject
Delete the object for the specified ObjectHandle.
0x100E InitiateCapture
Start shooting.
0x1014 GetDevicePropDesc
Return the Device Property Description for the specified Device Property.
0x1015 GetDevicePropValue
Return the Device Property value for the specified Device Property.
0x1016 SetDevicePropValue
Set the current value for the specified Device Property.
0x1018 TerminateOpenCapture
Exit continuous shooting for the specified TransactionID.
0x101C InitiateOpenCapture
Start capture. Video (RICOH THETA m15) and interval.
0x1022 GetResizedImageObject
An object resized to 2048 x 1024 pixels is acquired for the specified object handle.
0x99A1 WlanPowerControl
Turns Wireless LAN OFF.


0x5001 BatteryLevel
Acquire the charge level.
0x5005 WhiteBalance
Acquire or set the white balance.
0x500F ExposureIndex
Acquire or set the ISO sensitivity.
0x5010 ExposureBiasCompensation
Acquire or set the exposure compensation value.
0x5011 DateTime
Acquire or set the date and time.
0x5013 StillCaptureMode
Acquire or set the still image shooting method.
0x501A TimelapseNumber
Acquire or set the upper limit value for interval shooting.
0x501B TimelapseInterval
Acquire or set the shooting interval (msec) for interval shooting.
0x502C AudioVolume
Acquire or set the volume for the shutter sound.
0xD006 ErrorInfo
Acquire error information.
0xD00F ShutterSpeed
Acquire or set the shutter speed.
0xD801 GpsInfo
Acquire or set the GPS information.
0xD802 AutoPowerOffDelay
Acquire or set auto power off for the camera (minutes).
0xD803 SleepDelay
Acquire or set the camera sleep mode (seconds).
0xD807 ChannelNumber
Acquire or set the wireless LAN channel.
0xD808 CaptureStatus
Acquire the camera shooting execution status.
0xD809 RecordingTime
Acquire the video recording time (seconds). (RICOH THETA m15)
0xD80A RemainingRecordingTime
Acquire the amount of time remaining (seconds) for shooting video. (RICOH THETA m15)


0x4002 ObjectAdded
Notification of an object addition.
0x4006 DevicePropChanged
Notification of a Device Property change.
0x400A StoreFull
Storage FULL notification.
0x400D CaptureComplete
Notifies that shooting is finished.