PTP-IP Reference
Obtain the prerequisite specifications from below.
- 0x1001 GetDeviceInfo
- Return device information data.
- 0x1002 OpenSession
- Open a session.
- 0x1003 CloseSession
- Close the session.
- 0x1004 GetStorageIDs
- Return the current valid storage ID list.
- 0x1005 GetStorageInfo
- Return information on the specified storage ID.
- 0x1006 GetNumObjects
- Return the number of objects for the specified storage ID.
- 0x1007 GetObjectHandles
- Return the ObjectHandle for the specified storage ID.
- 0x1008 GetObjectInfo
- Return object information for the specified ObjectHandle.
- 0x1009 GetObject
- Return the object for the specified ObjectHandle.
- 0x100A GetThumb
- Return the thumbnail within the specified ObjectHandle.
- 0x100B DeleteObject
- Delete the object for the specified ObjectHandle.
- 0x100E InitiateCapture
- Start shooting.
- 0x1014 GetDevicePropDesc
- Return the Device Property Description for the specified Device Property.
- 0x1015 GetDevicePropValue
- Return the Device Property value for the specified Device Property.
- 0x1016 SetDevicePropValue
- Set the current value for the specified Device Property.
- 0x1018 TerminateOpenCapture
- Exit continuous shooting for the specified TransactionID.
- 0x101C InitiateOpenCapture
- Start capture. Video (RICOH THETA m15) and interval.
- 0x1022 GetResizedImageObject
- An object resized to 2048 x 1024 pixels is acquired for the specified object handle.
- 0x99A1 WlanPowerControl
- Turns Wireless LAN OFF.
- 0x5001 BatteryLevel
- Acquire the charge level.
- 0x5005 WhiteBalance
- Acquire or set the white balance.
- 0x500F ExposureIndex
- Acquire or set the ISO sensitivity.
- 0x5010 ExposureBiasCompensation
- Acquire or set the exposure compensation value.
- 0x5011 DateTime
- Acquire or set the date and time.
- 0x5013 StillCaptureMode
- Acquire or set the still image shooting method.
- 0x501A TimelapseNumber
- Acquire or set the upper limit value for interval shooting.
- 0x501B TimelapseInterval
- Acquire or set the shooting interval (msec) for interval shooting.
- 0x502C AudioVolume
- Acquire or set the volume for the shutter sound.
- 0xD006 ErrorInfo
- Acquire error information.
- 0xD00F ShutterSpeed
- Acquire or set the shutter speed.
- 0xD801 GpsInfo
- Acquire or set the GPS information.
- 0xD802 AutoPowerOffDelay
- Acquire or set auto power off for the camera (minutes).
- 0xD803 SleepDelay
- Acquire or set the camera sleep mode (seconds).
- 0xD807 ChannelNumber
- Acquire or set the wireless LAN channel.
- 0xD808 CaptureStatus
- Acquire the camera shooting execution status.
- 0xD809 RecordingTime
- Acquire the video recording time (seconds). (RICOH THETA m15)
- 0xD80A RemainingRecordingTime
- Acquire the amount of time remaining (seconds) for shooting video. (RICOH THETA m15)
- 0x4002 ObjectAdded
- Notification of an object addition.
- 0x4006 DevicePropChanged
- Notification of a Device Property change.
- 0x400A StoreFull
- Storage FULL notification.
- 0x400D CaptureComplete
- Notifies that shooting is finished.