Image Processing API

Image Processing API performs image processing and returns processing results. This guide demonstrates the basic usage of Image Processing API.


Quick Start

This section is designed to show you how to get started with Image Processing API. If you already have an API client for Image Processing API, you can skip Step 1. Note that you need a RICOH Account for Step 1. To create one, see Get Started for detailed instructions.

Step 1: Create an API Client

Create an API client for Image Processing API at Management Console. See Get Started for detailed instructions. After you successfully finish the procedure, you can check your Client ID and Client Secret at Dashboard.

Step 2: Obtain an Access Token

Obtain an access token using your Client ID and Client Secret to authenticate your API requests. Notice that Image Processing API supports Client Credentials Grant of Authorization API. Learn how to make a request to Authorization API to obtain an access token and an API key at Obtain an Access Token and implement it to your application.

Step 3: Try Image Processing API

Try Image Processing API using your access token and API key. See the following sections of individual APIs for brief explanation and request examples.


This section lists all of the Image Processing API endpoints and a relevant endpoint:

HTTP Method URI Description
POST Returns an access token and an API key. See Client Credentials Grant for details.
POST Applies image filters to an image. Image Filtering API returns an image after applying image filters.

Image Filtering

Image Filtering API can apply image filters to specified locations in an image. Image Filtering API returns an image after applying image filters.

Note: Even you request a png format image, this API will return jpeg format image.




Requests must include three elements:

  • An image data
  • Authorization header with the access token you’ve obtained
  • x-api-key header with the API key you’ve obtained

You can specify the image in one of two ways and parameters:

Specify an Image as Binary Data

The image should be either jpeg or png format. The request should include the Content-Type header with the value of multipart/form-data.

Specify an Image as URL

The request body should look like this:

  "image": "",
  "parameters": {
    "locations": [
      {"left": 226, "top": 227, "right": 387, "bottom": 387}
    "type": "gaussian",
    "options": {
      "ksize_width": 3,
      "ksize_height": 3,
      "sigma_x": 0,
      "sigma_y": 0,
      "locations": {
        "shape": "min_enclosing_circle",
        "edge": "blur"

The request should include the Content-Type header with the value of application/json.

Note: The image must meet all of the following criteria:

  • The image size should be less than 4MB.

Specify Parameters

Parameter Description
locations Required. This parameter specifies multiple locations in an image. You can specify the location with left, top, right, bottom. You can specify up to 100 locations, but be sure to specify at least one location.
type Required. This parameter specifies an image filter type. You can specify one of blur, gaussian, median.
options This parameter specifies options. locations parameter specifies options for locations to which image filters are applied. The section Filter Types lists all supported options according to type parameter.
Specify options for target locations to which image filters are applied

You can specify options for the target locations. If this option is not specified, the rectangular locations specified by left, top, right, bottom become the target locations to which filters are applied.

  "options": {
    "locations": {
      "shape": "min_enclosing_circle",
      "edge": "blur"
Option Description
shape Specifies a shape of locations. Valid values include:
rectangle: the rectangular locations specified by locations become the target locations.
min_enclosing_circle: the minimum circumscribed circle of the rectangle specified by locations is the target location.
The default value is min_enclosing_circle.
edge Specifies a way to process edge of locations. Valid values include:
none: nothing is done on the edge of the locations.
blur: the edge of the locations is blurred.
The default value is blur.

Filter Types

Image Filtering API supports the following filter types:

  • Blur Filter
  • Gaussian Filter
  • Median Filter

Each filter type has its own optional parameters to customize the behavior.

Blur Filter

Applies image filters to an image using a blur filter. All options must be a value from 1 to 100. Increasing the kernel size will result in a stronger filter processing on the image.

Option Data Type Description
ksize_width integer Blurring kernel width size.
ksize_height integer Blurring kernel height size.

Gaussian Filter

Applies image filters to an image using a gaussian filter. All options must be a value from 0 to 100. ksize_width and ksize_height must be odd. If ksize_width and ksize_height are both set to zero, the kernel size is calculated from sigma_x and sigma_y. If sigma_y is zero, it is set to be equal to sigma_x. If both sigmas are zeros, they are calculated from ksize_width and ksize_height. In that case, ksize_width and ksize_height must be a value greater than 0.

Option Data Type Description
ksize_width integer Gaussian kernel width size.
ksize_height integer Gaussian kernel height size.
sigma_x float Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
sigma_y float Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction.

Median Filter

Applies image filters to an image using a median filter. ksize must be odd and a value from 3 to 99.

Option Data Type Description
ksize integer Kernel size.


A successful response returns an image after applying image filters.


This section demonstrates examples of Image Filtering API request with cURL and successful response. You can specify a URI of image and parameters with the --data option.

Blur multiple locations

Example Request
curl -X POST '' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
     --header 'x-api-key: <API Key>' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{"image": "", "parameters": {"locations": [{"left": 943, "top": 276, "right": 1026, "bottom": 362}, {"left": 76, "top": 447, "right": 152, "bottom": 524}, {"left": 1189, "top": 258, "right": 1261, "bottom": 332}, {"left": 306, "top": 456, "right": 373, "bottom": 534}, {"left": 1102, "top": 349, "right": 1167, "bottom": 422}, {"left": 742, "top": 405, "right": 794, "bottom": 462}, {"left": 621, "top": 415, "right": 668, "bottom": 470}], "type": "gaussian", "options": {"ksize_width": 51, "ksize_height": 51, "sigma_x": 0, "sigma_y": 0, "locations": {shape": "min_enclosing_circle", "edge": "blur"}}}}' \
     > hd-002-human-blurred.jpg

Example Response

Here is an example of a successful response:

Example Response

Difference of each filter

In this section we show an example where you can see the differences of each filter. ksize is fixed at 9.

Blur Filter

Example Response

Gaussian Filter

Example Response

Median Filter

Example Response


Image Processing API supports errors in Common Errors and its own errors described in the following table.

When one of the errors described below occurs, you might receive an error response with a JSON formatted body and it looks like this:

  "message": "<string>"

There is an exception of response body format. When you request an image larger than 10MB, you receive an error response with a text formatted body along with status code 413. The body looks like this:

HTTP content length exceeded 10485760 bytes.

Unlike Common Errors, Image Processing API errors do NOT contain code field. Error causes are described in message field.

Error Codes

The following table shows the errors you might encounter only when you use Visual Recognition API.

HTTP Status Code Error Message Description
401 Unauthorized The Authentication header does not contain a valid access token.
403 User is not authorized to access this resource The x-api-key header does not contain a valid API key. Or scope included in access token is not appropriate. See Obtain an Access Token.
413 Request Too Long The size of the request body is too large.
415 Unsupported Media Type The media type specified in the Content-Type header is not supported.
429 Too Many Requests Throttling limit is reached.
429 Limit Exceeded Quota limit is reached.
500 Internal server error Server error.
504 Endpoint request timed out Request timeout.


See Also