Common Errors
Most RICOH Cloud API services share a format and error codes for error responses while others define their own. This page describes the common format and error codes you may receive from RICOH Cloud API.
The services listed below define their own errors. If you use one of them, visit the individual page.
- Authorization API supports a completely different error policy.
- Visual Recognition API supports additional status codes and another rule for them.
Error Response Format
All common error responses are formatted as JSON and include code
and message
defined in Common Error Codes. Here is an example of an error response:
"error": {
"code": "missing_required_header",
"message": "A required HTTP header was not specified."
Error Codes
This section lists all the common error codes you may receive from most RICOH Cloud API services.
HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Error Message |
400 | invalid_request | The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed. |
400 | missing_required_header | A required HTTP header was not specified. |
400 | unsupported_header | One of the HTTP headers specified is not supported. |
400 | invalid_header_value | One of the HTTP headers was not in the correct format. |
400 | missing_required_query_parameter | A required query parameter was not specified for this request. |
400 | unsupported_query_parameter | One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported. |
400 | invalid_query_parameter_value | An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI. |
400 | out_of_range_query_parameter_value | A query parameter specified in the request URI is outside the permissible range. |
400 | invalid_uri | The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server. |
400 | invalid_body | An invalid value was specified in the request body. |
400 | missing_required_json_body_parameter | A required JSON body parameter was not specified for this request. |
400 | unsupported_json_body_parameter | One of the JSON body parameters specified in the request is not supported. |
400 | invalid_json_body_parameter_value | An invalid value was specified for one of the JSON body parameters in the request. |
400 | out_of_range_json_body_parameter_value | A JSON body parameter specified in the request is outside the permissible range. |
400 | invalid_authentication_information | The authentication information was not provided in the correct format. |
400 | invalid_resource_name | The specified resource name contains invalid characters. |
400 | storage_quota_exceeded | The storage quota assigned you has been exceeded. |
400 | resource_too_large | The size of the specified resource exceeds the maximum size permitted. |
401 | authentication_failed | Server failed to authenticate the request. |
401 | invalid_token | The access token was expired or invalid. |
403 | insufficient_scope | Insufficient scope for this resource. |
403 | account_is_disabled | The specified account is disabled. |
403 | insufficient_permissions | The account being accessed does not have sufficient permissions to execute this operation. |
404 | resource_not_found | The specified resource does not exist. |
405 | method_not_allowed | The resource doesn’t support the specified HTTP method. |
406 | not_acceptable | The specified resource cannot create the response based on the negotiation header fields in the request. |
408 | resource_timeout | The specified resource could not get within the acceptable time. |
409 | account_already_exists | The specified account already exists. |
409 | resource_already_exists | The specified resource already exists. |
409 | resource_type_mismatch | The specified resource type does not match the type of the existing resource. |
411 | missing_content_length_header | Content-Length was not specified. |
413 | request_body_too_large | The size of the request body exceeds the maximum size permitted. |
415 | unsupported_media_type | The media type specified in the request is not supported. |
422 | unprocessable_entity | The operation contained in the request cannot processed. |
429 | too_many_requests | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. |
500 | internal_error | Internal server error occurred. Please retry the request. |
500 | time_out | The operation could not be completed within the acceptable time. |
503 | server_busy | Server is currently too busy to receive requests. Please retry the request. |