
This page shows how to capture images with connected camera device using RICOH Camera Wireless SDK. RICOH Camera Wireless SDK supports single frame shooting.

Depending on the model, there are some captures not supported. When not supported capture is started, UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.


The following interfaces and classes are used when you capture images:


  • The CameraImage interface represents image information and image data.
  • This interface includes methods for obtaining image information and image data.


  • The CameraEventListener class is a event listener which receives notifications from camera devices.

Capture Still Images

Use the startCapture method with CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE to capture still image with connected camera device.

CaptureMethod captureMethod = new CaptureMethod();
Response response =
        Arrays.asList((CaptureSetting) captureMethod));
if (response.getResult() == Result.ERROR) {

if (CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE.equals(captureMethod) == false) {
    List<CaptureSetting> availableList = captureMethod.getAvailableSettings();
    if (availableList.contains(CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE)) {
        response = cameraDevice.setCaptureSettings(
            Arrays.asList((CaptureSetting) CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE));
        if (response.getResult() == Result.ERROR) {
    } else {
        System.out.println("Capturing StillImage is not available.");

StartCaptureResponse startCaptureResponse = null;
try {
    startCaptureResponse = cameraDevice.startCapture(true);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    System.out.println("Capturing StillImage is not supported.");

if (startCaptureResponse.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    System.out.printf("Capturing StillImage has started. Capture ID: %s%n",
} else {
    System.out.printf("Capturing StillImage is FAILED. detail: %s%n",

Focus and Capture Still Images

If you want to capture images after focusing, use the focus method and the startCapture method with the withFocus argument false.

Response response = null;
try {
    response = cameraDevice.focus();
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    System.out.println("Focus is not supported.");

if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    System.out.println("Focus has started.");
} else {
    System.out.printf("Focus is FAILED. detail: %s%n",

CaptureMethod captureMethod = new CaptureMethod();
response = cameraDevice.getCaptureSettings(
    Arrays.asList((CaptureSetting) captureMethod));
if (response.getResult() == Result.ERROR) {

if (CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE.equals(captureMethod) == false) {
    List<CaptureSetting> availableList = captureMethod.getAvailableSettings();
    if (availableList.contains(CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE)) {
        response = cameraDevice.setCaptureSettings(
            Arrays.asList((CaptureSetting) CaptureMethod.STILL_IMAGE));
        if (response.getResult() == Result.ERROR) {
    } else {
        System.out.println("Capturing StillImage is not available.");

StartCaptureResponse startCaptureResponse = null;
try {
    startCaptureResponse = cameraDevice.startCapture(false);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    System.out.println("Capturing StillImage is not supported.");

if (startCaptureResponse.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    System.out.printf("Capturing StillImage has started. Capture ID: %s%n",
} else {
    System.out.printf("Capturing StillImage is FAILED. detail: %s%n",

Check Capture Status

Use the CaptureState returned the getState method of the Capture interface to check capture status. One of the supported values of the status is Complete, which means the camera device has finished capturing.

You can obtain the Capture class with the three ways below:

The StartCaptureResponse class explained in sections above provides a Capture called getCapture.

StartCaptureResponse startCaptureResponse = cameraDevice.startCapture(false);
if (startCaptureResponse.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    Capture capture = startCaptureResponse.getCapture();
    System.out.printf("Capture state is %s%n", capture.getState());

The CameraDevice class has a CameraStatus called getStatus. The CameraStatus class provides a Capture called getCurrentCapture.

Capture currentCapture = cameraDevice.getStatus().getCurrentCapture();
if (currentCapture != null) {
    System.out.printf("Capture state is %s%n", currentCapture.getState());

The captureComplete method of the CameraEventListener class is invoked when the camera device has finished capturing.

class UserEventListener extends CameraEventListener {
    // Capture Complete
    public void captureComplete(CameraDevice sender, Capture capture) {
        System.out.printf("Capture Complete. Caputure ID: %s%n", capture.getId());

Obtain Captured Image

Use the imageStored method of the CameraEventListener class to obtain the image you captured.

class UserEventListener extends CameraEventListener {
    // Image Stored
    public void imageStored(CameraDevice sender, CameraImage image) {
        System.out.printf("Image Stored. Image Name: %s%n", image.getName());

See Also

  • Image Handling - Demonstrates image acquisition.
  • Capture Settings - Describes available capture settings such as capturing without saving data on camera storage.
  • Events - Describes events such as captureComplete and imageStored.