Camera Settings

This page describes how to set and get various camera settings of connected camera device using RICOH Camera Wireless SDK.


Supported Camera Settings

Core Class

The core class of camera settings is:


  • The CameraDeviceSetting class represents various camera settings of the connected camera device.
  • Supported camera settings are provided as derived class of the CameraDeviceSetting class.

Basic Usage

This section shows you how to manage individual camera settings. You can also manage multiple camera settings at the same time. Code examples in this section shows how to manage dual card slots mode value but you can manage other settings in similar ways.

Get Individual Camera Setting

Follow the steps below to get a current setting.

  1. Generate an object of supported camera setting
  2. Use the getCameraDeviceSettings method with the object

The following example shows how to get current dual card slots mode value using DualCardSlotsMode object.

DualCardSlotsMode slotMode = new DualCardSlotsMode();
Response response =
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    System.out.printf("Current Value: %s%n", slotMode.toString());

List Available Settings

Follow the steps below to get a list of available settings.

  1. Generate an object of supported camera setting
  2. Use the getCameraDeviceSettings method with the object
  3. Use the getAvailableSettings method of the object

The following example shows how to get a list of available dual card slots mode values using DualCardSlotsMode object.

DualCardSlotsMode slotMode = new DualCardSlotsMode();
Response response =
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
  List<CameraDeviceSetting> availableList = slotMode.getAvailableSettings();
  for (CameraDeviceSetting setting: availableList) {
      System.out.printf("Available Setting: %s%n", setting.toString());

Set Individual Camera Setting

Follow the steps below to set a setting.

  1. Select a class variable of supported camera setting
  2. Use the setCameraDeviceSettings method with the variable

The following example shows how to set sequential use for dual card slots mode value using a DualCardSlotsMode object.

DualCardSlotsMode slotMode = DualCardSlotsMode.SEQUENTIAL_USE;
Response response =

Get Multiple Camera Settings

The following example shows how to get wi-fi settings value at the same time.

SSID ssid = new SSID();
Key key = new Key();
Channel channel = new Channel();
Response response =
    cameraDevice.getCameraDeviceSettings(Arrays.asList(ssid, key, channel));
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    SSID.Value ssidValue = (SSID.Value) ssid.getValue();
    String strSSID = (String) ssidValue.get();
    Key.Value keyValue = (Key.Value) key.getValue();
    String strKey = (String) keyValue.get();
    List<CameraDeviceSetting> availableList = channel.getAvailableSettings();

Set Multiple Camera Settings

The following example demonstrates how to set wi-fi settings at the same time.

Key key = new Key("12345678");
Channel channel = Channel.N1;
Response response =
    cameraDevice.setCameraDeviceSettings(Arrays.asList(ssid, key, channel));

Date and Time

Use the CameraTime class to set and get date and time values.

Get the Current Value

The following example shows how to get the current date and time value of connected camera and Date object of the same value.

CameraTime cameraTime = new CameraTime();
Response response =
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    CameraTime.Value cameraTimeValue =
        (CameraTime.Value) cameraTime.getValue();
    Date dateCameraTime = (Date) cameraTimeValue.get();

You can use the CameraTime class and the getCameraDeviceSettings method to get the current date and time of connected camera. Also, if you want a Date object of the acquired CameraTime, you can use the get method of CameraTime.Value which stores the actual value in the CameraTime object.

Set Value

The following example demonstrates how to set camera device’s date and time value.

CameraTime cameraTime = new CameraTime(new Date());
Response response =

You can use the CameraTime class and the setCameraDeviceSettings method to set a specified Date object.

Wi-Fi Settings

Wi-Fi Settings consists of SSID, password and channel.

  • Use the SSID class to set and get SSID values.
  • Use the Key class to set and get password values.
  • Use the Channel class to set and get channel values.

Get the Current Value & List Available Values

The following example shows how to get current SSID, password and channel value using SSID, Key and Channel object.

SSID ssid = new SSID();
Key key = new Key();
Channel channel = new Channel();
Response response =
    cameraDevice.getCameraDeviceSettings(Arrays.asList(ssid, key, channel));
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    SSID.Value ssidValue = (SSID.Value) ssid.getValue();
    String strSSID = (String) ssidValue.get();
    Key.Value keyValue = (Key.Value) key.getValue();
    String strKey = (String) keyValue.get();
    List<CameraDeviceSetting> availableList = channel.getAvailableSettings();

You can use the SSID class and the getCameraDeviceSettings method to get the current ssid value of connected camera. Also, if you want a String object of the acquired SSID, you can use the get method of SSID.Value which stores the actual value in the SSID object.

You can use the Key class and the getCameraDeviceSettings method to get the current password value of connected camera. Also, if you want a String object of the acquired Key, you can use the get method of Key.Value which stores the actual value in the Key object.

You can use the Channel class and the getCameraDeviceSettings method to get the current channel value of connected camera. Also, you can use the getAvailableSettings method of the Channel class to get a list of available channel values.

Set Value

The following example demonstrates how to set;

  • SSID to “RICOH_CAMERA” using SSID object
  • password to “12345678” using Key object
  • channel to 1 using Channel object
Key key = new Key("12345678");
Channel channel = Channel.N1;
Response response =
    cameraDevice.setCameraDeviceSettings(Arrays.asList(ssid, key, channel));

SSID class, Key class and Channel are need to set at same time.

You can use the SSID and Key class and the setCameraDeviceSettings method to set a specified String object.

Dual Card Slots Mode

Use the DualCardSlotsMode class to set and get dual card slots mode values.

Get the Current Value & List Available Values

The following example shows how to get current dual card slots mode value using DualCardSlotsMode object. Use the getCameraDeviceSettings method of the DualCardSlotsMode class to get a list of available dual card slots mode values.

DualCardSlotsMode slotMode = new DualCardSlotsMode();
Response response =
if (response.getResult() == Result.OK) {
    List<CameraDeviceSetting> availableList = slotMode.getAvailableSettings();

Set Value

The following example demonstrates how to set dual card slots mode to sequential use using DualCardSlotsMode object.

DualCardSlotsMode slotMode = DualCardSlotsMode.SEQUENTIAL_USE;
Response response =